Alton Towers is one of the UK’s most popular theme parks, has a rich themed background story that ties into the park’s history and its attractions. The central theme revolves around the legend of the Towers themselves, a story filled with mystery, curses, and the supernatural. The story of Alton Towers is rooted in the...
Storytelling is the heartbeat of any haunted attraction, and Knott’s Scary Farm is a perfect example of how a well-crafted narrative can elevate an experience from simply startling, to deeply immersive. Take the “Origins: The Curse of Calico” haunted house, for instance. This attraction isn’t just about jump scares and creepy visuals; it’s steeped in...
I remember back when Knott’s Scary Farm broke the mold of haunted attractions with “Trapped” and then scaling back to “Skeleton Key” rooms. These add on experiences gave victims… err… I mean guests something they hadn’t had before… interactivity and often, choice. Knott’s has always set the gold standard for Halloween haunts and as we...
“ if you can create something that gets my jaded heart pumping, consider it a success.” Last Halloween I had the pleasure of visiting Universal Studios Japan for the Halloween Horror Nights event. I have been to many HHN events in the US and I have to say that they do not compare in almost...